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- 大连开发区回收坐便
- 发布时间:2012/12/10 阅读次数:1947 字体大小: 【小】 【中】【大】
Dalian Development Zone, talented which recycling office equipment: office furniture, staff bit old material recycling center, conference table - the long-term high recovery of used office furniture, used office equipment, used furniture, used kitchen equipment, used hotel equipment, used hotel equipment,a variety of second-hand appliances and other second-hand electrical equipment used refrigeration equipment, used scrap machinery and equipment, second-hand computers and equipment, overstock items, trustworthy, cash payment, other recycling Hotel. Cabaret. Hotel. 2 handcart. Motorcycle. Bed. Sofa. Refrigerator, TV, washing machine.Computer. Copier. Air conditioning. All recyclable and. Not recycling old material transported away for treatment